About Me

The blogger Vanny from Malaysia who currently 26 years old. She is always passionate about fitness, yoga, travel and lifestyle blogger. I am starting my blog since 2014 and were a place I share my fitness, travel and lifestyle. "It is never too late to start", Initially I found it out I truly interested in making own food and coffee, people who liked to call me "coffee lover",  I like to explore different coffee shop and find out which is best especially strong bitterness and pleasant acidity. I also love to make own food with own creativity and thinking, it really creates satisfaction and sense of achievement while you do the thing you like.

I love to share my day and fitness exercise, regardless of Zumba, hiking, jogging, cycling. All sports activities I like! Throughout the exercise journey, the most important is love yourself and being yourself, no one able to judge you so that you have to find the beauty of yourself, enhance your own confidence. While exercising it creates fun and energetic atmosphere definitely will addict it as your personal goals. I love exercising because it creates a positive mindset and tends to accomplish all exercise at the end. "Do not force yourself but willingness to do". 

Besides, I am also running my own boutique at Facebook and Instagram, @blingilious_boutique, thank you for everyone who supports and motivate me, there is always striving to become a better me, do not give up easily. 

This is a little place where I share with.  

More to know about me? 
Officially website http://vannyhuiyee.blogspot.com
Email vannyhuiyee@hotmail.com
Instagram @vannyhuiyee 
Youtube Vanny Huiyee
Online Boutique @Blingilious_boutique


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