
By vanny - October 05, 2012

Skin allergy has been two month , I am getting bored with it . It is extremely uncomfortable even I eat all of medicine that doctor given . Yet , the treament is anti-inflammatory and anti-pruritic , but I think not really effective to me because my leg is full of  red dots on skin , I am so embrassa and afflicting about this trouble . Why skin allergy indestructible :( resist , resist and resist but someone I am gonna explosion myself .Don't think this is a small problem , if still get skin allergy how can live there ,As long as don't get ithcy and pruritic anymore , it is totally suicide myself TT . how how how , any suggestion for me that completely disappear ? 

 pale face -.-
Weather is unpredictable , air is getting worse .Haze is increasing more than before ... I always sadness and despair about  M'sia's weather and air. Wish that m'sia's environment is totally clear so that we can live a place without sick . Also , hope my skin allergy recover soon instead of increase the red dots :( Big wish 

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