Life still goes on

By vanny - May 26, 2014

planned to blog in this few day since school started I think quite difficult to update constantly . realize that I didn't update such a period of time . recently seems I am getting in the blue , everything look terrible apparently . Once you are in the stage of growing up , a large number of matter you need to accept . Yes I am trying to do so , understand that everyone wears the mask in this society , be frank society as similar as circus , sound sarcastic ? it's true . I have been beared this kind of shit feeling few weeks , hold it and keep it in my mind. Of course , the people around me they changed too . Yet , I felt strange . Am I the only person who still remain the same ? .. kind of hurting . Sometimes I attempt to cry but I couldn't , I am still hiding a great deal of shit feeling inside instead of release it out . I found out I own psychological stress . to be honestly , I am tired . I have never ever so negative before , all of a sudden , plenty of things happened in the same time . I think I need sufficient of time to recover . well .. as saying goes , Time prove everything . As time is staying longer , the more unpleasant facts will appear in your life . 

My favourite song is giving you all tonight .

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